Place Ground Beef in a Slow Cooker

Have you ever cooked ground beef in bulk? Cooking ground beef in your crock pot is a smashing style to stock your freezer for quick meals on busy nights!

How to Cook Ground Beef in a Slow Cooker from My Fearless Kitchen. Have you ever cooked ground beef in bulk? Cooking ground beef in your crock pot is a great way to stock your freezer for quick meals on busy nights!

How to Cook Ground Beef in a Tiresome Cooker

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We go through a lot of footing beefiness in our business firm. I'thousand willing to bet that you do, besides! Information technology's inexpensive, it's piece of cake, and it'southward pretty darn versatile! I used to brown one pound at a fourth dimension on the stove when I needed information technology. Now that I know how to cook basis beef in majority in my slow cooker, I will never go dorsum to browning ground beef on the stove once more. Ever. This is so easy! (And foolproof!)

How to Cook Ground Beef in a Slow Cooker from My Fearless Kitchen. Have you ever cooked ground beef in bulk? Cooking ground beef in your crock pot is a great way to stock your freezer for quick meals on busy nights!

I utilize my 6-quart dull cooker for this job, and I cook 5 pounds of footing beef at a time. It's all-time to offset with thawed footing beef. Simply I'll be honest, I oft terminate up with a few of my packages that are all the same frozen in the middle. As long as virtually of it is thawed, and yous're cooking to the correct temperature, you're doing bully.

Dump all the ground beef into your slow cooker. Mix it upwardly, and then information technology'southward non just in a big hunk in the middle of the slow cooker. I love my Pampered Chef Mix northward' Chop for this chore. Here's another i that's similar.

The meat will need to melt, covered, on low for two-three hours. Every once in a while, come back and give information technology a stir. The outsides will cook faster than the insides, and then you lot want to stir for fifty-fifty cooking and to go along information technology from called-for. The Mix n' Chop is perfect for this. You'll exist able to stir the basis beef fast, and break it up into smaller pieces. If you like bigger crumbles, employ a wooden spoon instead. Nosotros like fine crumbles for near of our recipes.

The best way to know when your ground beef is done is by using a meat thermometer. You want the ground beef to be at least 160 degrees F in the center of the slow cooker. Non on the edge, not touching the lesser, but in the center. I beloved probe-mode thermometers like this one. I put the end in the centre of the meat, mantle the cable over the top, and I can monitor the temperature while information technology'southward cooking. The best part is that this one beeps when it reaches the right temperature!

Once information technology's done, you'll want to allow it cool a little bit. (It is 160 degrees, after all!) While it's cooling, get together your tools. You'll need:

  • A colander
  • A large bowl that fits under the colander
  • A slotted spoon
  • A kitchen scale
  • Quart-size Ziploc freezer bags
  • A Sharpie

If I'm only making 1 pound of ground beefiness at a time, I don't commonly drain the fat. I buy the bacteria meat, and there isn't usually enough fat to bother with. But when yous're making 5 pounds at a time… yeah, you'll want to drain it. Place a colander within a bowl, and put all the cooked beefiness in the colander with your slotted spoon. Let information technology sit and drain for a few minutes.

How to Cook Ground Beef in a Slow Cooker from My Fearless Kitchen. Have you ever cooked ground beef in bulk? Cooking ground beef in your crock pot is a great way to stock your freezer for quick meals on busy nights!

I use a drinking glass measuring loving cup to hold the freezer bags while I'1000 filling them. Information technology'south easier to handle, and makes mode less mess! Grab 5 quart-size Ziploc bags, and make full each one with most 12 ounces of cooked beef. You can expect ground beef to lose about 1/4 of it's weight during cooking. So 1 pound of raw beef (16 ounces) will weigh about 12 ounces when it is cooked.

Fill each bag, clasp out equally much air as possible, label with the name and appointment, and pop them in the freezer!

How to Cook Ground Beef in a Slow Cooker from My Fearless Kitchen. Have you ever cooked ground beef in bulk? Cooking ground beef in your crock pot is a great way to stock your freezer for quick meals on busy nights!

Pull 1 bag out the dark earlier you need it to thaw in your refrigerator. Or, if you're similar me and forget until information technology'due south time to make dinner, take i out of the freezer and pop it into the microwave for a few minutes to thaw. So but use it in any recipe similar you had just spent twenty minutes slaving over a stove!

You can also make a big batch of taco meat this style. Add one parcel of taco seasoning per pound of footing beef, simply no water. The condensation inside the tedious cooker will give it plenty moisture. (I similar to buy taco seasoning in a big container like this. Then information technology'due south 1/4 cup per pound.) At present you've got a quick and easy taco nighttime set to go!


Gratuitous Printable Basis Beef Buyer's Guide

Accept y'all ever gotten confused at the grocery store when you're trying to pick out footing beef for tonight's dinner? Nosotros can help! This Basis Beef Buyer'south Guide has everything y'all need to know about buying footing beef, plus you tin can download a free printable crook sheet to keep handy in your kitchen or your purse!

How to Cook Ground Beef in a Slow Cooker from My Fearless Kitchen. Have you ever cooked ground beef in bulk? Cooking ground beef in your crock pot is a great way to stock your freezer for quick meals on busy nights!

Tools for Cooking with Ground Beef

Every kitchen needs a few basic tools… These are ones that I use all the time when I'thousand cooking with ground beef!

  • 5-Quart Saute Pan
  • Mix and Chop
  • 6-Quart Dull Cooker
  • Instant-Read Digital Thermometer
  • Probe-Mode Digital Thermometer

3 Means to Take the Fear Out of This Recipe

  • Why is Footing Beef Brown in the Center?
  • Types of Ground Meat
  • Freezer Storage Guidelines

iv More than Recipes to Effort

  • Bacon Cheeseburger Sloppy Joes
  • Kid-Friendly Cheeseburger Cups
  • Freeze & Bake Lasagna
  • Slow Cooker Taco Beef

Printable Recipe Card for How to Cook Ground Beef in a Slow Cooker

How to Cook Ground Beef in a Boring Cooker

Have you ever cooked basis beef in majority? Cooking ground beef in your crock pot is a great way to stock your freezer for quick meals on busy nights!

Prep Time x mins

Cook Time 3 hrs

Total Time three hrs 10 mins

  • 5 pounds ground beefiness
  • Optional: v packets taco seasoning
  • Place ground beefiness in a 6-quart slow cooker. Using a Mix n' Chop or spoon, break up the ground beefiness.

  • Cover and melt on low for two-iii hours, stirring occasionally.

  • The basis beefiness is cooked when meat thermometer reads 160 degrees F in the center of the meat.

  • Drain cooked beefiness using a colander gear up within a big bowl.

  • Using akitchen scale, divide ground beef into 5Ziploc freezer bags - approximately 12 ounces in each bag.

  • Characterization with name and date and freeze until use.

To employ frozen beefiness:

  • Thaw in refrigerator overnight.

  • Estrus in skillet and use as you would employ in whatsoever recipe.

Let us know how it was!

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