Sirry You Are Rate Limited Try Again Twitter

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Twitter Jail is a slang phrase used to describe Twitters limits on tweets, straight letters and followers per day.[1] Twitter uses this method to reduce spammers and reduce error pages. [2] Kickoff by understanding Twitter's limits and working around them to avoid Twitter Jail.

  1. i

    Kickoff past post-obit the brake of 100 tweets per hour. This includes retweets and links. If you lot exceed this limit, y'all will be in Twitter Jail for i to 2 hours.

  2. 2

    Don't tweet more ane,000 times per solar day. If you exceed this limit, you will be in Twitter Jail until the following twenty-four hours.


  3. 3

    Reduce your Straight Messages, if you send 250 per day. If y'all exceed the 250 DM limit, you will exist in Twitter Jail until the adjacent day.

  4. 4

    Don't tweet duplicate content. If the Twitter system finds you retweeting the aforementioned links or phrases over and over, you lot can be sent to Twitter Jail.

    • If you tweet indistinguishable content, you lot tin be in Twitter Jail for several days.
    • Limit the amount of links you use in your tweets. Merely tweeting outside links is a ruddy flag for a spam business relationship, and can put yous in Twitter Jail.
  5. 5

    Limit how many people you follow in a day.

    • Following 1,000 people a 24-hour interval volition put yous in Twitter Jail for 1 24-hour interval. The site refers to this as "aggressive following."
    • Following more than than two,000 people without having many followers tin can cease you lot from post-obit anyone new until more than people are post-obit your account.
    • The 2,000 post-obit restriction is calculated by a ratio. These are business relationship specific and currently unpublished.


  1. 1

    Look patiently. If you receive an fault message when you are trying to tweet, bulletin or retweet after being very active, yous are about likely in Twitter Jail.

    • Read the stride in a higher place to encounter how long yous are likely to have an inactive account.
    • Your error bulletin may read "Your Account Has Been Suspended."
    • Brand sure you lot aren't in serious violation of other Twitter rules. Read them at
    • Afterward several hours or a mean solar day, yous can attempt to tweet again, and it should go through.
  2. ii

    Avoid tweeting on multiple devices. Twitter also has API limits. In other words, they limit the interactions between applications and software more direct interaction with the Twitter website.

    • Many people observe it easier to end up in Twitter Jail if they are using a third-political party Twitter client, a blog, a telephone app and a figurer.
  3. iii

    Email Twitter Support. If your account has not returned to normal, you lot may have been identified as a spam account.

    • Email with your account name and problem.
    • If Twitter believes they have associated yous with spam incorrectly they will reinstate your business relationship and apologize.
    • It may take several hours for the business relationship to return to normal. [3]


  1. one

    Reduce the amount you tweet and retweet. Twitter has gear up what they believe are reasonable limits for personal tweeting.

    • Dial back your tweeting for a calendar week, to see if your results actually better as you are more discerning.
  2. two

    Create another Twitter account. If you do not want to limit your tweets or follows, then brand a 2d or third gratis Twitter account.

    • Try to associate the accounts to each other, so that it will be piece of cake to gain followers who are familiar with your first account.
  3. 3

    Be selective with your Twitter clients. Choose whether you want to utilise your computer, phone or blog and stick to that customer.

    • Reducing your Twitter clients will help you to remain within API limits and continue y'all out of Twitter Jail.
  4. four

    Beware that weblog tweeting may upshot in indistinguishable content. If you desire to post links to your web log yourself, unlink your website from your Twitter account.

    • Every time y'all post new content, you website may button it to Twitter.
    • If you practice not want to tweet new content yourself, then linking your accounts may be the all-time option.
    • Make certain other website or blog editors are non updating the site more than 100 times per hour or 1,000 times per mean solar day, or your web log can put you lot in Twitter Jail.
  5. 5

    Advise that you text or e-mail with Twitter users who are skillful friends or colleagues.

    • Direct messaging limits may be easy to accomplish if you are using them for work or important conversations.
    • Reach out via electronic mail or phone to salvage time with piece of work conversations or networking.


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  • Question

    I reached the Twitter DM limit. How long practice I have to wait until I can DM someone again?

    Community Answer

    You must wait until 12 AM of that day. You should exist able to DM someone by the next twenty-four hour period.

  • Question

    My Twitter business relationship says there may have been suspicious activity and I have to reset my password, only even when I reset information technology, I go the same prompt and cannot log in. What should I exercise?

    Community Answer

    If you're using a mobile device, try switching your countersign on a computer. It worked when that happened to me.

  • Question

    On Twitter, it says that my account has been suspended. What tin I do to get Twitter back?

    Community Answer

    When you log in to Twitter, you'll find a notification bar at the top of the folio saying you're suspended. Click on the link "Suspended Accounts". If yous violated the Twitter Rules, there's cipher much to exercise except wait out your intermission. Withal, if you didn't break any Twitter Rules or performed any prohibitive behavior, courteously fill out an Business relationship Interruption course, submit it, and expect for them to restore your account!

  • Question

    Why is my business relationship maxim that I'yard over the login endeavor limit?

    Community Answer

    This means that you accept tried to login in unsuccessfully too many times in a row.

  • Question

    My account states I don't accept access to it. What do I do?

    Community Answer

    One matter you can attempt to do is make a new account, and tell your friends and followers that you have a new account.

  • Question

    How exercise I go out of Twitter jail?


    Wait for at least seven days. Don't tweet anything during that period. Also, delete bad Tweets from your account.

  • Question

    What can crusade my rate to exist limited when sending a DM?


    You can't etch a 140+ bulletin on mobile Twitter's bones version. And so, use a PC to blazon more. Sometimes automatic Straight Messages crusade this problem. Just await for one week to get out from the lock.

  • Question

    My Twitter account says "Yous are unable to follow more people at this time" and "cannot retweet status", what could exist the trouble?

    Ahsan's Mart

    Ahsan'south Mart

    Community Answer

    When you follow too many people too chop-chop or do retweets with too much speed, they do this to protect Twitter community from spam. You tin request twitter support to unban your account.

  • Question

    My account says that I cannot retweet anything. I have tried retweeting few tweets, but zip happened. What should I exercise?

    Ahsan's Mart

    Ahsan's Mart

    Customs Answer

    This may be due to a ban past the Twitter for community guidelines violation. Y'all can email Twitter back up with details to solve your problem.

  • Question

    I'm new to twitter, and I keep getting an mistake message saying "tweet failed to send." I can similar/ retweet, and my feed refreshes. Why might this be, and how long volition it last for?

    Community Answer

    That probably ways you've been posting as well much, and the message is done to forbid spamming. Give it some fourth dimension and endeavor over again.

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  • Beware that Twitter Jail is different from account suspension or deletion. If you are using Twitter for abuse, spamming, pornography, malware or username squatting, your business relationship tin be deleted without notification. [4]


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