Free Cad Drawing Tool for Mac


Open Source 2D-Hound

LibreCAD is a free Open Seed CAD application for Windows, Apple and Linux. Support and documentation are free from our comprehensive, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers.

You, to a fault, privy also find involved!

LibreCAD Screen Shot

LibreCAD Splash Screen

About us

How it started

LibreCAD started as a envision to build CAM capabilities into the profession version of QCad for utilise with a Mechmate CNC router.

Since QCad CE was built around the outdated Qt3 library, it had to embody ported to Qt4 before extra enhancements. This gave uprise to CADuntu.

The project was identified as CADuntu alone for a couple of months before the residential area decided that the name was inappropriate. After whatever discussion inside the community and research on existing name calling, CADuntu was renamed to LibreCAD.

Porting the rendering engine to Qt4 proved to be a large task, so LibreCAD ab initio hush up depended happening the Qt3 support subroutine library. The Qt4 porting was consummated eventually during the development of 2.0.0 series, thanks to our master developer Rallaz, and LibreCAD has suit Qt3 free except in the 1.0.0 series.

Meanwhile, for LibreCAD 2.2.0 serial publication, Qt5 is mandatory.

LibreCAD Features

LibreCAD is a feature-packed and ripe 2D-CAD covering with some really nifty advantages:

Altogether and Utterly Free

No more worries almost trials, subscriptions, license costs or annual fees.

Acceptant Source and GPLv2

Developed by an experienced team up and supported past an awesome community, LibreCAD is also free to hack and copy.

No Language Barriers

It's available in over 30 languages with cross-platform support for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

LibreCAD Download


Facilitate is needed for macOS deployment.

from SourceForge
Find up-to-the-minute stable DMG packages there.

from GitHub
Find latest stable DMG packages there.


from SourceForge
Find latest stable EXE installer there.
As wel machine-driven nightly build installer for bleeding-edge versions.

from GitHub
Find latest stable EXE installer there.
Also special prerelease installer for beta testing versions.


Fit your distributions preferred package manager, if LibreCAD is available there. Merely the variant may be a trifle sr..

For Debian/Ubuntu distributions, you sack use our Launchpad PPAs for stable or day by day versions.

Build from source

This is an option for all platforms.

If we don't have the binary installer you are looking for, you can essa to build LibreCAD from source encrypt.
How this works for each political platform give notice live read in our Wiki .

Source write in code could be downloaded from GitHub as ZIP file away.

Or you can clone or fork our repository, which is recommended if you plan to contribute.

Unite LibreCAD Profession

The LibreCAD team is a small grouping of dedicated people. Lots of things have been worked out, but lot of bugs and features are still waiting to be solved. How can you help? We need complete the skills in the community as coders, writers, testers or translators.

An candid beginning community is a energizing thing; people number and go as their private billet drives or stops them contributing. So, it will always help if you have existing resources we can habituate, know what other projects do in specific areas, or, most importantly, execute what you do best and have fun doing information technology!

You don't have to sign a lifetime sign to lend. Whether you can help others in the meeting place, garden the wiki, operating room give extraordinary or many patches, our broad user base will appreciate your act.

Get along join our community of interests, and contribute in any mode you equivalent.


If you are an outstanding developer in C++ or a beginner we can use your help.
With a bit of decision, the IRC line, Zulip chat and the Libre-CAD-dev mailing list, we can help you get started and establish progress.
All you penury is coupled in download section and top golf links above.


Developers usually make bad support for users, so if you alike making corroboration, great!
On that point have been extensive GUI changes in 2.1 series which need to live registered.


Help localize LibreCAD, we presently support over 30 languages.
Our rendering server is up here: .
You can complete new languages, or request creating translations for a new language in the assembly .

Free Cad Drawing Tool for Mac


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